Update 19th October 2020

My Research Toolbox Update

Task List Updates from the BACB

October 19, 2020

Written by Brianna Kmec

This past August, the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) released a newsletter detailing their changes to the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) 5th edition task list.

In accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) risk management wheel, to protect against the loss of organization, the changes in the BCBA 5th edition task list were analyzed. Based on internal discussions and valuations on what is best for users, we found that the organization of the newly implemented August task list could be improved. 

To implement our changes, it was brought to the attention of the BACB in September to ensure that we were not in violation of the code of ethics. After a month, we received approval of our changes from the BACB. 

August 2020 Newsletter

BACB Changes:

The August changes to the original BCBA/BCaBA 5th edition task list split the document into two different formats. The change removed task list items F-8, F-9, H-8, and I-6 and made them specific to the BCBA's.

The BACB states in their newsletter that "The removal of these four tasks should only be viewed through the lens of their relevance to the testing of entry-level BAaBAs and not as an indication of their lack of importance or relevance to the practice of BCaBAs."

BACB Approved

My Research Toolbox Changes

Due to no significant differences between the two documents/ evaluated training provided, it was simplified to one coherent document.  The simplification implemented allows for better tracking of training and evaluations conducted.

In our new task list, the tasks at question will have a label acknowledging that the tasks are required for BCBA only, but will be able to be accessed at the BCaBA level. These changes were implemented to the F-8, F-9, H-8, and I-6 task list items.

Our improved task list is available for anyone to use.

The image above shows an example of one of the tasks from our improved F-Behavior Assessment task area with the F-8 and F-9 tasks labeled as BCBA ONLY.

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